Final sale

TRANSFAB TMI0150PEXK Transformer TMI S-fuse midget 150VA 240/480V primary 120V secondary

Price $216.85 / EA
Available for backorder
Qty EA
Manufacturer #:TMI0150PEXK


Ultra reliable industrial control transformer. 240 or 480 V primary and 120 V secondary voltage. 1-phase. 50 or 60 Hz operating frequency. Class-B (130°C) insulation class. 40 dB noise level. Insulation tested at a minimum of 2500 Vrms Hi POT. Available with secondary midget fusing capability. Epoxy encapsulated coils for cooler, safer operation. Moulded terminal barriers. 10-32 screw terminals. Phil-slot screws. SEMS screw terminal strips as an integral part of the coil bobbin. Fusion-welded coil terminations instead of solder joints. Face-on terminal labels with large schematic indicators. Standard strap brackets.


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