
LAKELAND CT1S428-4X ChemMax coverall, hood, elastic wrist and ankle

Price $252.89 / PK
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Manufacturer #:CT1S428-4X


ChemMax1, Sealed Seam, CE Certified Coverall


Brand Name Lakeland Sub Brand ChemMax® 1
Item Name Coverall Type Super-B Style, Superior
Size 4X-Large Material HDPE
Closure Type Double Zipper Hood Type 3-Piece, Elastic
Cuff/Wrist Style Elastic Color Yellow
Seam Style Heated Sealed Standards EN 14605, EN 530:1994 Method 2, EN ISO 7854:1997 Method B, EN ISO 13934-1:1999, ISO 9073-4:1997, EN 863:1994, ISO 13938-1:1999, EN ISO 13935-2:1999, EN 1149-1:2006, EN 1149-5:2008, CE Certified
Application For Agricultural Spraying, Agricultural Chemical, Acid, Alkali Handling, Chemical Spill Handling, Liquid Chemical Storage Vessel Cleaning, Pressure Spray and Tank Cleaning UPC 884404497914


1 - Unit